Converging Wills

Connecting Rulers to the World of Force of Will

[Asia Banlist] 11 September 2023!

And now it’s time for Asia’s Banlist, and these are the changes to it!

Released from any Restrictions:

Aristella, Twin Prince (NWE-057 RR) [0 -> 1]
Reconnaissance Gears (TUS-098 N) [0 -> 4]
The Origin of the Seven Lands (Pofa-112 MR/ MC02-001 MR) [0 ->4]
Magic Stone of Moon Shade (MPR-100 R/ World2022-006/ MC02-005 R) [1 -> 4]
Dark Alice, Rabbit Princess (DBV-009 SR/ World2022-005/MC02-004 SR) [2 -> 4]
Birth of the Twin Princes (HSD-001) [2 -> 4]

No longer Combo – Banned:

Asuka, Gravekeeper of Tsukuyomi (NWE-058 RR) (Banned)
Lailah, Maiden of the Swamps (AOA-092)


Astral (Banned):

Child of the Fire Moon (NWE-012 RR) [1 -> 0] *NEW*
Asuka, Gravekeeper of Tsukuyomi (NWE-058 RR) [1 -> 0] *NEW*
Hanzo, Ninja of the Moon (GOG-050 SR) [1 -> 0] *NEW*
Glowing Spider (TUS-001 N) [2 -> 0] *NEW*
Melfee, Traveling Sorceress(ROL-017 R) [2 -> 0] *NEW*
Dexia’s Advice (TUS-026 R) [1 -> 0] *NEW*
The Great Wall of the Twelve Sacred Knights (NWE-083 N) [4 -> 0] *NEW*
Eternal, Artificial Archipelago (NWE-064 N) [4 -> 0] *NEW*
Arena Expansion: Mount Olympus (GRV-0773 R) [4 -> 0]


Mythic (up to 1 copy of each listed card on a Decklist):

Typhon’s Cells (GRV-068 R) [2 -> 1] *NEW*


Ascension (up to 2 copies of each listed card on a Decklist):

Sacrificial Altar (AOA-100 U) [1 -> 2] *NEW*
Alisaris, the Invader of God’s City (AO1-45 SR) [4 -> 2] *NEW*
Grandleon, Strongest Ancient (TUS-067 MR) [4 -> 2] *NEW*
Metal Lifeform: Dragon (TUS-075 N) [4 -> 2] *NEW*
Great Dimension Library(CMB-045 R) [4 -> 2] *NEW*


Combo – ban (Listed Cards within each set cannot be on same Decklist):

Typhon, the Infinite Monster (GRV-085 RR)
Echidna, Mechanized Monster (GRV-051 R) *NEW*


Full banlist:

Source: Force of Will Asia FB

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