Converging Wills

Connecting Rulers to the World of Force of Will

[Global Banlist] 8 September 2023!

The banlist has finally landed! And nothing was banned, with a lot of unbanned!


1) The Origin of the Seven Lands (PofA-112)
2) Mariabella, Sincere Engineer (MC02-002)(Less unbanned, more of a different card, that came from an Alternative card that was banned)
3) Change the World, Orb of Illusion (TTW-096)
4) Sacrificial Altar (AOA-100)
5) True Blade of Spirits (ADK-113)
6) Captain Hook, the Pirate (CFC-037)

1)The Last Secret Sword (AO3-085) + Raging Messiah (TWS-028)
2)Eternal, Artificial Archipelago (NWE-064) + Ark’s Gears Grail (CMB-070)
3)Conclave at Dragon Mountain (GRV-012) + Zhuge Liang, Perfect Strategist (GRV-026)
4) Inferno (TST-086) + Summon the Dragon of Death! // Unknown Mother Goose Chronogear (TWS-084)
5) Shrine of the Dragonoids (EDL-035) + Blade Dance (CMB-019)
6) Machina, the Machine Lord // Machina, the Mechanical Emperor (SKL-087) + Little Maria, Archaic Legacy (TWS-042)

Newly banned: None

Newly combo – ban: None

Source: Force of Will Youtube

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